Monday 20 October 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Final Critique

OUGD401 - Alphabet Soup
Final Critique

For my final critique I prepared a number of design sheets each documenting;

  • The name of the design 'Design 1' etc 
  • The concept behind the design 
  • The final 10x10cm Design 
  • as well as a digital version of what the design may look like in context 
This helped me to present my ideas to the group efficiently and effectively. Specific comments were made about the presentation of my concepts, The lecturer leading the critique said he like how the designs were clearly labelled for extremely easy referencing, He also like the use of the design in context as it allowed the group to see what a potential design would like as a word. He did mention however I could have included a brief research paragraph documenting the research and development of each concept. 

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

Design 6

Design 7

Design 8

Design 9

Design 10

I feel the group reacted well to the designs, they were engaged and responded positively when I presented my concepts. Although a little shy at times I received some good quality feedback. Overall the two most popular designs were; Design 7 and Design 9, I feel this is because they are both sleek modern minimal and effectively convey my assigned word 'Empty'. Some of the feedback included one student saying the design is 'simplistic but effective' another student reiterated this saying 'it's simple and conveys the message well'. I was given some constructive criticism that I could remove the crossbar of the 'A'  in Design 9 to create a totally void empty space, although it is too late to alter this concept now I could look at implementing it in Studio Brief 2, which is informed by Studio Brief 1. Finally the lecturer added that it would be easy to adapt digitally with the potentially for a good quality outcome. 

Based on this feedback I have decided to choose Design 9 to be carried forward into Studio Brief 2, this is because the design is modern and minimal, clearly conveys my assigned word as well as keeping to its origins of Futura and it has been popular with myself, students and lecturing staff.   

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