Wednesday 22 October 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Introduction

Studio Brief 2 - Visual Thinking - Vector Type

Produce an alphabet based on one of the letterforms you created from the Alphabet Soup, Visual Thinking brief. You are restricted to working in black, however you may experiment with opacity and half tones.

I think this brief will be exciting as it carries over from studio brief 1, I feel I produced some sophisticated concepts that would work well in order to solve this brief. Working with restrictions will require me to think practically throughout the brief however this will simulate an industry environment. 

Based on critique feedback from studio brief 1 have have decided on my chosen concept I will take forward into studio brief 2. I chose 'Design 9' to develop into a full alphabet because of its minimalistic vibe and effectiveness to communicate my assigned word 'Empty'. Thos design was popular with myself, students and lecturing staff who all praised the design on its ability to communicate its meaning effectively. I will initially produce my alphabet in uppercase however if time restriction allow I will consider a variant in lowercase to give a more holistic feel to my outcome. 

Chosen concept to develop into full alphabet

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