Monday 14 December 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Style Guide

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Style Guide

The creation of a style guide will apply further application and the extension of the campaign. Although this style guide to vary basic due to time constraints a design studio could take this information and translate it into content that is in keeping with the concept and style of the existing promotional material. 

The guide contains key typefaces such as display and body copy with alternatives if these are not available. Key colour schemes to ensure a visually consistent aesthetic across the breath of the campaign and logo variants for different background types to ensure this is legible and stands out across a range of potential contexts. I have also included a short passage that summarises the vision for the concept, this extends beyond the simple typefaces and colour schemes and suggests how these should be implemented within the campaign to ensure it upholds the concept and extends the promotional material to a similar high quality as the resolution to the brief.

This style guide will ensure continuity across the campaign and will allow other designers to pick up the initial design direction, this is a common feature within web design as often a studio designs the initial pages/layouts, these are then maintained in-house by the client, style guides are therefore needed to add and edit content without the need to re-involve the initial web designer. 

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