Monday 7 December 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Tutor Feedback

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Tutor Feedback

Having digitally developed my concept into a desktop website I sought feedback from a tutor before developing the mobile platform. Overall he really liked the social aspect of my concept and felt it would appeal to the target audience. He liked the use of pastel pink as 'it really allows the boarders of the images to pop'.  Was advised to give the title some space between the start of the content as it felt a little crammed at present. He picked up on the javanese house logo positioned vertically on the album covers and as this is quite distinct and unique suggested I incorporate this into my website design, this would also free up some space allowing more space between the components. 

My tutor liked the aesthetic of the navigation and pop up pages with major changes needed. He commented on the hierarchy of the blog page saying it could be clearer defining the blog title and content as currently they blend into one another and don't articulate a clear hierarchy.  This feedback established by design as a viable response to the brief, from this feedback I will address the issues raised to ensure the design is intuitive, engaging and aesthetically pleasing resulting in a high level of development and understanding of digital design. 

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