Thursday 10 December 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Mobile Feedback

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Mobile Feedback

Following the translation of my website onto a mobile platform I asked for feedback regarding the translation of my design across the break point and the usability of the mobile version from a range of students. I received positive comments regarding the aesthetic of the mobile site with students commenting on the continuity between the desktop and mobile site this included 'I love how you've managed to translate the original site onto the smaller smartphone, it looks great on both and you can tell they're the same website'. This was encouraging that the user could clearly identify line between the desktop and mobile sites and found the aesthetics of both equally engaging. 

I then asked students about the usability of the mobile site, The mock-ups (above) helped to articulate this demonstrating the proportions of each component within the context of the smartphone. Students were confident that the size of the components would be easily accessible using a finger to navigate the site, Innovative components such as the expanding social media buttons below the image were praised for keeping the design refined and adhering the to clean aesthetic. The type size of the body was suggested to be scaled u on the blog page which is a comment I can reflect on during further development. Overall I feel students reacted positively towards the mobile version of my website and assures me I have successfully refined the design to apply to a mobile context. 

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