Thursday 25 February 2016

OUGD503 - SECRET 7" In a Day: Development - Concept 2

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1/Individual Practice - Secret 7"

Secret 7" In a Day: Development - Concept 2


reverting back to the sexual narrative within the video I took inspiration from this intimate scene which felt far more neutral and less specific to the video itself. I wanted to play around with a style I find engaging using simple illustrations and iconography to articulate my concept. I took inspiration for the illustrations from the surrealist animation within the video which adds subtle contextual links to my chosen medium. 

Using the simple animation as inspiration I created an illustration of a leg and reflected it to connote a pair of open legs, the peach colour palette adds a humanist quality to the piece and makes it more intimately provocative. 

For further subtle reference I took a section of fur from the monkey mask and placed it between the illustration creating a nice contrast between image and illustration, this fur worked well to initially depict the pubic area however on a more subtle level represents the monkey from the video. This resolution works far better than the first concept as it is suggestive and explicit while  simple and refined in its design. 

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