Sunday 7 December 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape

Final Critique 

I framed my final pieces in order to demonstrate them in context I felt this was more appropriate than photoshopping my final designs into context as it would also help me with my presentation in the final critique. I presented my final set of designs to a group of students and staff in order to evaluate my performance during this brief. I explain the concept of my design and stated what influenced my design decisions. 

Overall the reaction to my outcomes was very positive. Students gave feedback such as 'I like how you've used your own pictures to make it personal', 'it looks minimalist and contemporary which I think works well' and 'I like the type as it works with the style of the images'. I was questioned about what type of shop I would sell my designs I felt the most suitable type of store would be a relatively upmarket homeware store for example Selfridges or looking at boutique stores with bespoke unique products. 

I am happy with my outcomes, I feel they work well as a set and looked aesthetically pleasing, the use of a contemporary imagery with sleek typography and the use of white space all worked in unison to create a range of successful designs. 

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