Wednesday 3 December 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Development [2]

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape

Development [2]

Having fully developed my concept into a successful solution I found it relatively easy to extend this across a set of 3 designs, the basis of my concept meant I could keep a similar style, incorporating the geometric triangle pattern, whilst using new imagery to create a set of designs that work well together but are individually strong unique designs. 

I started by looking through my holiday photos to determine what other cities I could use as imagery for my other designs, Having already experimented with a landscape of Sydney I thought it would be appropriate to experiment with it within my new concept. Having already manipulated the image to remove imperfections my original image of Sydney including the Opera House and Harbour Bridge was ready to be manipulated further into my geometric pattern. 

I then used the magic wand selection tool to highlight the shapes and deleted it away from the rest of the image leaving my innovative and creative triangle pattern. I have used the original pattern from the New York design and simply rotated it and added a small amount of additional triangles to fill ensure there were no erratic gaps. I then pasted this into a new document and resized it to fill the page. 

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