Wednesday 3 December 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Development [3]

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape

Development [3]

For my final design I looked away from cities and chose a beach scene, I thought this would appeal to a larger audience as holidays often provide key family memories and of this beaches are one of the key symbols of a holiday. Again I used my own imagery and carefully manipulated it in Photoshop removing any imperfection, I adjusted the hue/saturation, straightened the image and used the patch tool to remove imperfections such as clouds, people and boards making the image more idyllic and picturesque. 

I then experimented with the placement of my pattern as I wanted it to look unique and not too similar to the Sydney design. I again used the same original pattern but in various positions. I then asked other students for feedback as to which design they preferred and I found that all but one preferred the second variation of the design.

Having decided on a final design I then filed the gaps in with additional triangles produced in illustrator and exported to photoshop this gave me my final design which I was extremely pleased with. Looking at all of my designs they are clearly identifiable as a set yet have individual characteristics making them unique. My next stage was to create the text in illustrator and import to onto my final designs. 

I used Seravek ExtraLight as the typography for my designs I felt this was an appropriate choice as like the designs themselves the typeface is fairly minimal, contemporary and classy. I chose the 3rd Design (Antigua beach) to be the biggest as I felt there was no iconic  feature like the other two so an audience might need to see the design on a bigger scale in order to relate to it. I chose the Sydney design as the middle sized design as it landscape proportions meant a small frame may have caused it to be less instantly recognisable. Finally I chose the NY design to be the smallest as the Statue of Liberty is the only thing in the image so is easy to see from a quick look where the picture is. With this decided I could then create the text with accompanying sizes in Illustrator and copied the text into the final photoshop publications as smart objects, below shows this process in relation to the Sydney design. 

I then copied this process for the two remaining designs giving me my final outcomes. I am happy with my outcomes as they work well individually as a set and individually. I think they look contemporary and high class, I could see these designs in a range of luxury stores such as John Lewis as well as boutique stores and contemporary fashion stores such as Urban Outfitters because of the use of the popular geometric designs. 

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