Monday 28 September 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Research: Double Diamond Design Process

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Research: Double Diamond Design Process

Through further research I found an interesting article produced by the design council that comes as a result of in house research that shows the commonalities between creative design processes and provides a working model of a generalised design process. It is called the Double diamond design process and is divided into four distinct phases that I found could then be sub divided into the individual components of my personal design process. The stages are labeled as Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver – the Double Diamond is a simple visual map of the design process shown below with the accompanying broadr definitions of each stage. 

Discover – The first quarter of the Double Diamond model covers the start of the project. Designers try to look at the world in a fresh way, notice new things and gather insights.

Define – The second quarter represents the definition stage, in which designers try to make sense of all the possibilities identified in the Discover phase. Which matters most? Which should we act on first? What is feasible? The goal here is to develop a clear creative brief that frames the fundamental design challenge.

Develop – The third quarter marks a period of development where solutions or concepts are created, prototyped, tested and iterated. This process of trial and error helps designers to improve and refine their ideas.

Delivery – The final quarter of the double diamond model is the delivery stage, where the resulting project (a product, service or environment, for example) is finalised, produced and launched.

I really liked the versatility of this model as it could be applied to a range of creative fields opening up a much larger target audience for my leaflet and feel this model would work well as it can be simplified to the four stages which will be simple and eye catching as I have found an audience can be put off when a large volume of text is used. I will ask for feedback from my lecturers as to what is the most appropriate style of content before choosing the content style that is most approbate to the brief however feel I could work with the double diamond theory to create an engaging publication. 

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