Monday 28 September 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Primary Research: Design Process

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Primary Research: Design Process 

I then analysed my own design process to see how this conformed to the examples found in my secondary research, I was interested to find out if my process conformed to the conventions found in my research and if I could improve it. I stated by documenting my personal design process which included; 


Analysing the brief 

Creating a research plan 

Conducting primary and secondary research 

evaluating the research 

Creating a range of initial quick sketches

receiving informal feedback

Concept development 

Critique/ Feedback 

Further development 

Further informal feedback 

Final tweaks 

Final Critique/ Presentation 

I found that after looking back over my secondary research that my personal design process conforms pretty well to the information I collated. I found that it was most similar to image two however I feel this was because they were both targeted at students. I found that my process could be applied to all of the sources found in my secondary research however had often been simplified to make the process more board and fit a wider media. This is something I will clarify in the critique whether our leaflets document a more personal approach the design process of should be generic and applicable to a range of media/subjects. 

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