Tuesday 29 September 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Primary Research: Folding Workshop

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Primary Research: Folding Workshop

I was told to bring a range of stock in advance of the folding workshop to see how their different properties effected the folding process. We were briefed on the task to crete a range of folds that could be used as inspiration for our leaflet design. I was instructed to not hold back and not think of the commercial viability at this state which I found more interesting as it allowed me to be as creative as possible. I started by researching different folding techniques from a range of sources including tutor knowledge, physical books 'How to fold' by Laurence K Withers and a range of internet sources. I found this more beneficial than sticking to one source as it provided me with varied research that enhanced the workshop. 

Accordion Fold:
An essential internet source I used was a how to folding guide demonstrating popular leaflet folds LINK below shows my first attempt at creating an accordion fold, this is a simple leaflet fold that is widely used in commercial printing due to its suitability for setting text and image. I found this fold very simple to create as it relies on a methodical process of measuring out the sections evenly and scoring them to ensure precise defined folds. I think this folding process works well however my example feels too large within the hand and would be something I develop if chosen to work further with this fold. 

Classic Try Fold: 
I following this online source I created another simple fold this time creating a classic try fold however I made it more creative adding a shorted side and a coloured strip as I felt this could make the design more engaging and open up creative aesthetic options if developed into final concept. I like the simplicity of this fold and its commercial application however want to keep experimenting with other folding processes. 

Custom Gate Fold: 
Wanting to be more creative I moved away from the simple folds found online and started to experiment more with my imagination and resource material 'How to fold' I became more liberal and focus on the aesthetic. I like the outcome of this folding technique because I feel it has a very fluid mechanical opening, I feel it would also lend itself well to a flow chart or process as the inside is long and this which would highlight the linear use of a process. 

Never Ending Fold: 
I created this fold as an experiment and to see how creative I could be with a folding technique, I saw this example online and recreated it through a tutorial HERE. This was by far the more complicated fold I have attempted and took me a substantial part of the morning to finish, I like the interactivity of this fold, which kept folding in on itself endlessly and think it has great potential for an interactive leaflet that would appeal to a creative target audience. 

Following this experimentation each table was asked to nominate 2 folds to present and vote to establish the courses favourite fold, my Never Ending fold was picked to represent our table and came second overall, I was happy with this as I felt this fold represented just how creative one can be with their approach to the task. In retrospect I did however find some floors with this fold, watching the other tables trying to interact with this fold I saw most students would operate the leaflet to see the never ending fold in action there was a lot of confused faces and they seemed to give up pretty quickly this demonstrated to me how it might not be successful in context even though it was innovative and extremely creative. 

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