Monday 28 September 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Research: Design Process Workshop

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Research: Design Process Workshop 

Along side my personal research I also engaged with a group workshop to help me further understand the design process. We firstly listed all the features of the design process this was extensive and matched up fairly closely to my own personal design process. We included all the features we could think of including seemingly extraneous veritables like procratination and tea breaks as we felt these were still a viable part of the design process as it helps to process the information and preventing getting overworked or working in a vacuum and deigning off topic. 

Following this I was then asked with my group to collate these features into a visual representation of the design process. We discussed different ways to do this and firstly decided to group the features into stages and this would be easier to represent and simple to understand. We created 5 stages Brief, Research, Idea Generation, Development, Final resolution as we felt these were the fundamentals behind the whole deign process. We then discussed how we could visually represent this and eventually decided on a triangle to represent the design process as we felt this worked wells every stage becomes more specific and tailored until you reach the pinnacle being the final resolution. 

We then presented our visual representation to the rest of the course and in retrospect found ours to be potentially too simplistic and the there groups opted for a more detailed info graphic style.  I still feel our groups works was an accurate visual representation of the design process however needed refining and produced in a more detailed fashion with a more carefully considered aesthetic. 

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